De Facto & Same-Sex Marriage Separation
Our Family lawyers can assist with the breakdown and finalisation of matters between de facto couples, including same-sex couples, whether married or not. Contact us for your initial consultation free of charge.
At one stage or another, almost all of us fall in love or enter into a relationship that does not work out. However, disputes with our spouses, be that opposite sex or same sex, do not have to end badly. If there is agreement as to a mutual parting of ways, then this can be formalised in a straightforward and amicable way. This is always the preferable option as Family Law litigation can be long, protracted and can turn nasty. However, with an experienced Family Lawyer there is no need to waste time and money.
Since December 2017, separation between de facto and same-sex couples has been treated equally under the Family Law Act 1975. What this means is that everyone is entitled to the same processes and is subject to the same set of rules.
The first step in any relationship breakdown including de facto and same-sex couples is to seek sound legal advice as to your rights and responsibilities. Our experienced Family Lawyers can assist you both in regards to property settlement and in parenting arrangements. Once you understand your rights and responsibilities, you are then in a stronger position to begin negotiations to resolve things quickly and cheaply.
It is often best to try and have these matters resolved by negotiation and mediation. Our Family Lawyer experienced at alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation, which can help to achieve a favourable, fast and inexpensive outcome.
If one party is being unreasonable, our experienced Family Lawyers can assist with even the toughest of cases that require litigation to achieve the best results. Strict time limits apply to de facto and same-sex couples for finalising a property settlement. Therefore, if your de facto or same-sex relationship has broken down and you want advice or assistance to finalise matters get in touch with us for a free no obligation consultation as soon as possible to discuss your matter and what we can do to assist.
The information above is intended as general information only and should not be relied on. You should discuss your individual situation with a lawyer.
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